adding marine salt freshwater aquarium

convert saltwater tank to freshwater tank - USA fish box - Free forum.
How can I tell if tank is fresh or saltwater? Add to My Yahoo! in saltwater aquariums to freshwater ones is that there is salt in the water.
Salt in Freshwater? - Aquarium Advice - Aquarium Forum Community.
May 28, 2011. As for how you get saltwater, you do have to add marine salt to the aquarium. The filters you will run on your tank will be slightly different from .
i found a good deal on a tank on craigslist and it is saltwater. was. that trace amounts of salt can actually be quit good for freshwater fish.
Do you put salt in your freshwater aquarium? | Freshwater Shrimps.
Before you add salt to a freshwater aquarium, you should understand why you are doing so. The "Specific Gravity" measured with a standard marine aquarium .
Regular water changes are more important in a marine tank and letting the water evaporate can cause salinity. Add 5.5 cups of marine salt.
Does anyone know the advantages of using 'freshwater aquarium salt'? If you are going to add salt, an alternative to aquarium salt is cooking salt (not table. I have never used salt unless for a tonic or a saltwater bath if a fish has a problem .
How much harder are salt water fish tanks to keep up than fresh.
Successfully set up a Saltwater Aquarium - Melev's Reef.
I'm added the salt to the Molly Tank and had a large Ammonia spike. I have had a . mollies need Brackish water created by marine salt.
I want to make my freshwater aquarium "brackish".. In fact, two CUPS of marine salt per 10gal will convert fresh water to. Add to My Yahoo!
Ich, Adding Salt To A Freshwater Tank? - Freshwater Fish Disease.